segunda-feira, 13 de dezembro de 2010

sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2010

Hey guys!

We saw a comment that says that we can do a logo for the school using the wolf picture so we did one and we gonna post every week one logo.

Hope you like.
Luiza and Sophia

PS:We promess that everyweek the logo will improve!!

The Winning Mascot !

The Winning Mascot
Hey everybody!
Weeks ago, we had an election to decide who will become our mascot.The competing mascots were: Tigers,Mustangs and Wolves.
All the American program and The Brazilian program voted for it.One week later we had the annuciation of the winning mascot:WOLVES!!
Some of the stundents put a mask of wolves and entered dancing on the cover court.That was a moment of happiness for the ones that voted for wolves and sadness for the ones the voted for mustangs or tigers.
see you and hope you guys enjoied .

quinta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2010

Hello Guys !

Hello, here are Sophia and Luiza and we are doing a blog about the mascot of the school Sant'Anna which is Wolf. Here we are going to post curiosities,information and ideas. (If you have another good idea please share with us in the coments , Thanks).